
Megan Noonan

  • Jetski driver

  • Pre-med patient

  • Square Dancer

  • Non Paddleboarder retriever

  • Mail Interceptor



Megan fell in love with the ocean at the young age of three when she realized her sea shell necklace allowed her to swim underwater without needing oxygen.  Missing her family she choose to ride the waves on a jetski and toggle between both worlds.  Making her the most equipped mermaid for the job.  Megan is so good at her job that when she shows up, the ocean is as calm as can be.  It is only when her WHOLE family is there that she ever has to make any retrivals. 

After stepping on driftwood with a rusty screw, Megan incurred a foot injury allowing her only to turn left, this made for being an excellent square dancer.   Megan holds First place ribbons for several square dance competitions.  



When off the water, Megan finds joy in aiding in the delivery of mail.  Taking her job very seriously, Megan has intercepted many important packages and saw that they were safely received by the addressed owner.

There isn’t anything Megan can’t do, and if there was her Dad probably could.